#My52 “Coming Home, part 14”

Panic filled the area once known as a ballroom. Chairs stacked in the corner with cushions as high as the ceiling. Lila shuddered as she was pushed into the room along with Jacob, Karen, and Paul. Jacob said something but the volume of other voices did not allow her to hear him. A jolt to her system and Lila looked at her arm. Jacob had grabbed her and was aiming for a corner of the room.

Inch by inch, the four of them made it to the other side away from the crowded door. It seemed most people felt they were better off by the door when there were still others trying to get in. Lila had lived in Miami and knew how to prepare for hurricanes. Her parents’ house, not the best, but it had survived many hurricanes. She thought about the kerosene lamps that used when the power went off, and there were no lights.

A chuckle had Jacob close to her ear. “Mind telling me what is funny in this situation?’ Jacob asked. “Thought about the lamps we used years ago. Then how we did not have the electronics, what would we have done.” Lila answered as she turned to him. “I guess it is funny. I remember reading by candles when the power went off.” Jacob said.

“Dad,” Karen called. Jacob turned to see Karen frowning. Then he noticed he was still holding Lila. It was a light touch. He continued to hold Lila’s arm. “Yes, Karen, what is it?” “Are you ready to tell me what is going on with you and this woman?” “This woman has a name, and you know it, so do not let me get up in your face,” Lila said as she interrupted Jacob before he could answer Karen. “Karen, that was rude,” Jacob said.

Lila moved away from the three and found a cushion against the wall and took a seat. She pulled out her cell phone and called her best friend. Rena answered on the first ring. “Girl, tell me you are okay,” Rena said. “That is why I am calling you. I am in the hotel’s basement with too many scared people.” Rena laughed. “Only, you would go home, and a hurricane would trap you.” “Rena, this is not funny. Not in the least. There is much I want to tell you about this trip but now is not the time. I wanted to let you know that I am safe. I will be on the next flight out of here as soon as I can.” “Keep me posted,” Rena said. ‘I will.” Lila pushed end on her phone and placed in her pocket.

A pair of blue eyes watched her every move. Once again, she felt an unease. The old folks saying of someone walking over your grave came to mind. The image of the beach house going up in flames. Lila looked at Jacob, he had not wavered in his stare. She watched Jacob shake his head as if to remove an image. Oh, my goodness, I know where I know him from.

© 2019 Ivy Jade