#My52 “Coming Home, part 5”

Paul knocked on Jacob’s door. “Coming,” Jacob yelled.

What are you doing up so early?” Jacob asked. “I could ask you the same thing.” Paul replied.

Jacob paused and stared at his friend. “Well, Paul if you must know I could not sleep last night, so I got up and fixed breakfast and went through some boxes that have been sitting for years.”

Any reason for that?” Jacob heard the unspoken question. He debated with himself. Should I say I am looking for the woman we saw on the beach last night?

The silence went on. “I’m sure at some point you will tell what is so important in boxes stacked in a corner for years.”

Paul don’t push this morning, I’m sleep deprived.” “You will never guess who I ran into this morning.” “This is a big city and you know plenty people and it could be anyone. So no I can’t guess.”

I stopped in the cafe at the Beach Plaza Hotel this morning. Actually, I was walking by and saw the woman from last night.”

What woman from last night?” “Jacob, really you want to be like that? I saw you watching that woman until she was out of sight.”

Paul, I watch a lot of women. Not like you don’t.”

“What is with you this morning?” Jacob shrugged, “Not sure what you mean.” 

We have been friends since kindergarten and now you want to play crazy with me. I’m the man who told you not to marry Shawn, but you did anyway. Look how that turned out.”

Thanks for that reminder to add to my exhausted morning. Why did you fill the need to tell me you saw that woman?”

I spoke with her for a moment and she was snippy with me. Didn’t like me interrupting her breakfast.” Jacob laughed, “Don’t say I blame her for that.”

Anyway, after I left the cafe, I kept thinking there was more to the two of you and I wanted to know what it was or is.” “Paul, there isn’t anything to know, I saw a woman and watched her, end of story.”

You were in a daze and did not hear a word I said last night when you were gazing at her. Last night you denied you are staring at that woman.

You had a look in your eyes.” Paul raised his hand to stop Jacob from speaking. “I don’t have a prejudice bone in my body. I never saw myself being with a black woman. Since you are my best friend I have trouble seeing you interested in the black woman.”

Paul, I look at women, period. It does not matter their color, shape or size.”

Would you be with a black woman?” “Yes, if I liked her.” “Wow, I thought I knew you.” “I guess I could say the same about you. Paul, why does this woman upset you?”

I’m not upset, well maybe a little. A few blocks from here I bumped into another black woman. Literally bumped into her. I muttered sorry, but she gave me a side eye. It wasn’t like I intended to bump into her. This morning feels like too many black women around here.”

Do you hear yourself? There have always been plenty black women in Miami. You must not have notice them.”

I still want to know why you are going through the boxes and who that woman is to you?”

“I might be sleep deprived but I think you must have bumped your head. These are boxes I have put off going through for years and decided today was the day.”

If you say so.”

Let it go, okay.” Hopefully, I will do the same.

© 2019, Ivy Jade